Spring Clean-Up: Swamp Milkweed Tip

I’ve just uploaded my second garden tip vlog and am back here to share it with you!

This morning I took a few minutes to clean up the swamp milkweed section of my butterfly garden.  That’s the beautiful pink flower pictured above with one of our Monarch visitors from last summer.  I was thrilled to find out that almost all of my swamp milkweed from last year is coming back up and most of it with more than one shoot!  Can’t wait to expand that beautiful section of the garden this summer!

I am finding that this spring I am approaching my clean-up a little differently than last year.  Instead of marathon days where I spend hours and hours in the garden pulling weeds I’m only finding I have shorter chunks of time to devote.  But that’s okay!  I choose one section of my garden to focus on – spend 15 – 20 minutes working and walk away having made good progress without overwhelm.

It doesn’t all have to be done at once!

I had a thick pile of mulch under a garden bench and this morning I just cleaned out the swamp milkweed area behind the bench and finished up by spreading a little mulch – walked away feeling accomplished and loving the way it looks.

So – here’s a quick tip that I discovered by accident that made my efforts at weeding this morning much easier!  Check it out.



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