Empire State Building [ Northern VA Real Estate Photographer ]

A few more of my favorites from our recent trip to New York City.  This time photos of the Empire State Building.

The night we visited the top of the Empire State Building it was SUPER cloudy.  As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure that the observation deck was engulfed in a cloud.  It was cold and windy up there and the fog was thick.  This made for what I think are almost spooky looking photos.  I decided to use my wide-angle lens (a 16-35) to capture as much as I could in each frame.  Here are a few of my favorite shots of this impressively tall building!

Looking upward from the observation deck… for some reason the red exit sign just screams spooky to me…

Straight up from outside the front door…

And my absolute favorite… probably again because of the combination of perspective, red lights and thick clouds.

We’ve visited the Empire State Building before… back in college.  This time we went with our children and a friend who had never been there.  I remember thinking the first visit was “okay”… but probably one visit was enough for me.  So I wasn’t quite sure I wanted to go again… but as parents we wanted our kids to get to be there and experience it, and well our friend is here from another country and she really wanted to go.

We started out with the NY Skyride – an interactive movie/ride (similar to the types of rides you’d see in Epcot or Disney).  The movie itself was… well… a bit of a stretch.  But our 6 year olds LOVED IT!  When we came home they kept saying the ride was their favorite part.  What I liked about it was that it allowed us to bypass a long portion of the line to the top.

Once we got up top it was super crowded (of course) and very cold and windy.  We definitely should have brought along jackets for the kids.  So, while they took a peek over the edge they very quickly decided they’d rather be inside.  it was past bedtime before we made it to the top… and cold.  Still – they got to stand there and experience it… and they still talk about it.  So that’s great!

I, on the other hand, enjoyed it MUCH more this time around with camera-in-hand.  It was a fun challenge to play with settings, long exposures, varying angles.  So… if you’re a photo mom like me (who has a SUPER supportive spouse that was willing to entertain the kids while I played around with camera settings) I would highly recommend a visit to the top of the Empire State Building at night!

Thanks for stopping by my little photo blog!

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Monica - September 24, 2010 - 4:30 pm

Wow. How amazing are those shots! I can’t get over the drama. Love the sky.

Catina - September 24, 2010 - 8:38 pm

Thanks so much Monica!

Gwen - September 30, 2010 - 8:29 pm

Very cool pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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